As far back as the winter semester 1999/2000, the School of Business and Economics started to conduct regular quality audits in order to find out what students thought of the way they were taught. Considerable progress has been made since then, and the University of Münster has now enacted assessment regulations which cut across faculty boundaries, and which provide that teaching standards should be assessed at regular intervals by students. The audits that have been carried out so far show how much has already been achieved and how much remains to be done. Critical comments are elicited from students by means of questionnaires that are designed in such a way as to provide the teaching staff with the kind of feedback they require.
Since there are marked differences between lectures, tutorials and seminars, appraisal sheets are divided into several sections, one of which is constructed in such a way as to take account of the special features of the course that is to be assessed. The data are processed by means of a software package called EvaSys. Each member of the academic staff receives a detailed breakdown of results, and the overall results are reported here. The relevant data can only be accessed from a Münster University IP address.