Credit transfer
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The following informs about the single steps required to transfer the credits obtained in the courses attended during your sojourn abroad. In order to facilitate the approval of such qualifications, you should restrict yourself to the windows of mobility when choosing your courses (B.Sc.: 5th/6th semester; M.Sc.: 3rd semester). Students of the School of Business and Economics, University of Münster, who wish to have their overseas credits transferred and counted instead of a Münster course must have the transferability of overseas credits approved BEFORE their sojourn. A first-time approval after the sojourn abroad is not possible for exams already passed. The credits will be transferred without grading.
Please note that you do not yet require approval of your results at the time of your application.
Milestone 1: choosing a university
Should you have a place as an exchange student at a partner institution, there is nothing else you need to do.
Students going to universities outside our partner network as free movers need to have the general transferability of credits approved beforehand using the UniCheck form (to be submitted to Dr. Ulrike Augustin), provided that courses of the respective university have not already been approved earlier (see overview of classes already approved below).
Milestone 2: choosing courses
Please make sure to gather information about the courses offered by your host university before your semester abroad begins (c. 3 to 4 months before the start of the studies). In order to have a course approved for credit transfer, send the following information to the respective person in charge.
1. Name your study program and your examination regulations (PO) at the University of Münster as well as your host university
2. Which course is chosen?
3. For which course/module is the course to be approved in Münster? Please note that approval is usually possible only for an entire module.
4. Originals of detailed up-to-date course descriptions, as PDF or hyperlink, e.g. in the form of:
- Structure
- Syllabus
- Course outline (preliminary)
- Week-by-week lecture scheme
- Respective link to the website
Please do not submit course descriptions that were copied and pasted into an email or a Word document, as their authenticity cannot be determined. Course descriptions that are neither available in German nor in English might require a translation. Please ask your contact person whether this is necessary.
5. Please e-mail the above information to the responsible contact person.
Please plan on at least two weeks for the check of credit transfer.
After positive feedback from the person in charge of credit transfer, copy the respective classes onto the application for credit transfer ("Application for Verification of Eligibility of Courses") and have it signed by the person in charge.
Please note: before your sojourn abroad, statements can only be made as to tendencies, that is, you will be informed whether the package of credits will probably be transferred or whether approval can be excluded completely. The final approval can only be made after your sojourn abroad and on the basis of your qualifications achieved. Provided that you achieved the qualifications in the manner that they have previously been verified, they will formally be approved on the basis of this tendency statement.
Overview of classes approved in the past (not binding for future credit transfer)
Please note that credit transfer is not possible from the following universities:
- San Diego State University, USA
- St. Mary's University, Canada
Particularities of the Bachelor’s degree courses
Generally, all elective modules from Business Administration and Economics can be approved in all Bachelor’s degree courses, formal equivalence provided. In the Bachelor’s degree courses of Business Administration and Economics, these classes are approved as “International Studies in Business” or “International Studies in Economics” respectively. The module “International Studies” was established for this purpose in the Bachelor’s degree courses of Politics and Business, Business and Law, and Economics (discontinued). Equivalence of content is not required, i.e., you may attend specialization courses in Business Administration or Economics that are not offered in Münster, and these may in principle be approved. B.Sc. students of Business Administration who do their integrated semester abroad in the winter semester do not need to make up for the module “Finance & Accounting Seminar” but may instead attend a specialization course in Accounting or Finance. Moreover, the module “Management and Governance” can be replaced by a basic course in Management (Organization, Leadership, HR). Students who do their integrated semester abroad in the summer semester may attend a Business Studies specialization course abroad instead of the module “Integrated Management Seminar”.
Particularities of the Master of Science in Business Studies/Economics
Please note the following information (in German).
- Supplementary information credit transfer: M.Sc. in Accounting (in German)
- Supplementary information on credit transfer: M.fc. in Finance (in German)
- Supplementary information on credit transfer: M.Sc. in Management (in German)
- Supplementary information on credit transfer: M.Sc. in Economics (in German)
Changes abroad
Once you are abroad, it may well occur that you discover that the host university no longer offers a course, or that you become aware of other courses you would like to attend and the credits of which you would like to have transferred. Please check any change of your credit transfers with the person in charge of credit transfer and submit a new application for credit transfer to the contact person in charge.
Milestone 3: persons to contact in the different degree courses
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
- For all modules of the 3rd year of study (see study schedule in the handbook of modules): Dr. Ulrike Augustin
Office hours: Tu. 9:30 - 11:30 and We. 14:00 - 16:00, please send me questions concerning the credit transfer of specific courses per e-mail. - For modules from the first two years of study, depending on the focus:
- Accounting: Lennart Prinz
- Finance: Jonas Backhus
- Management: credit transfer process runs via „EquiCheck @ CfM“ (Niklas Laubrock)
- Marketing: Mara Konduschek
- Economics: respective lecturer responsible for the module
- Business Skills: Sertan Eravci
Bachelor of Science in Economics
- For all modules of the 3rd year of study (see study schedule in the handbook of modules): Dr. Ulrike Augustin
Office hours: Tu. 9:30 - 11:30 and We. 14:00 - 16:00, please send me questions concerning the credit transfer for specific courses per e-mail. - For modules from the first two years of study: respective responsible lecturer as named in the handbook of modules.
Bachelor of Science in Information Systems: Lena Clever
2FB Economics: Helena Helfer
Bachelor of Science in Political Science and Economy/Economy and Law: Please refer to the following website
Master of Science in Business Administration
- Accounting: Lennart Prinz
- Finance: Jonas Backhus
- Management: credit transfer process runs via „EquiCheck @ CfM“ (Niklas Laubrock)
- Marketing: Mara Konduschek
- Entrepreneurship: Niklas Laubrock
- Business Research: Prof. Dr. Martin Watzinger
- Economics : respective responsible lecturer of the module
Master of Science in Economics: Helena Helfer
Master of Science in Information Systems: Lena Clever
Master Business Chemistry: Prof. Dr. Leker
Milestone 4: steps to take AFTER the sojourn abroad
You need to submit the following documents to the Examination Office after your return:
- Signed application for approval
- Transcript of Records of the host university
- Examination Office’s application for the transfer of credits (in German)
The Examination Office will then enter the credits transferred in your records and send you an official note on the approval.
Please be aware of the following: if the credit transfer is the last exam necessary for finishing your course program, the date of the certificate, issued by the university, will be the date, when you apply for the credit transfer at the Examination Office, not the date when the exams were taken. If you want to finish in the same semester, where the exams were taken, you have to apply for credit transfer within this semester. If necessary, you will have to send your approval of credit transfer to the examination office without the transcript of records from the university abroad and to hand in the transcript of records at a later date.