SBE Chairs & Incomings

In the near future, SBE might offer the function "SBE Internal", which would allow access to information only for staff members. Until this feature has been fully developed, please refer to our SCIEBO-file [International] and/or contact us directly.


How and Why SBE Cares for Incoming Exchange:

  • A. Allocation of monetary funds

    Incoming exchange students at SBE are regarded the same as regular students in terms of fund allocations (Information Systems not included). Therefore, no Chair shall have any economic disadvantage by allowing incoming students to participate in their courses.


    • Department of Information Systems: In the Information Systems department other rules apply. Please contact the respective speaker for more information.
    • "Fachfremd" / Non-subject incoming students:
      Regarding exchange students who are enrolled in another faculty (non-subject/ "fachfremd"): The exam office currently does not set up a Flexnow-Account for those students, and all administrative issues such as registration (including fund allocation) do not apply, in comparison to exchange students enrolled at SBE.
    Funds from the "Nachwuchsförderungsfonds" can be used for funding courses held in English, primarily as start-up assistance (
    THe International Relations Center sends out an application form each year around October.
  • B. Balance: Fulfilling Accreditation Criteria and Securing Outgoing Spots for Our Students

    Accreditation requirements

    Only by proving to accreditation agencies, i.e. AACSB, EQUIS, etc., that SBE is committed to advanced international exchange on all levels, SBE is considered to join the aforementioned accreditations. It is in SBE’s own individual interest to enhance international exchange activities and thereby providing the necessary statistics for joining.


    Buzzword <<IMBALANCE>>

    For all of its existence, SBE has experienced imbalance in its exchange activities, meaning that our School wishes to send out more of our students than foreign students are actually willing to come to us. Unarguably, partner institutions will accept this imbalance only for some (uncertain) period of time. In the mid- and long-term, this Imbalance proves to be a huge challenge and in order to secure outgoing spots and make available the so-called “mobility window” in study year 3 to all of our regular students, which is one of SBE's unique selling points with regards to regular student recruitment, both Bachelor- and Master-level (semester 3), exchange Balance in the in- and outgoing field needs to be one of SBE's priorities. By concentrating on forming a more attractive environment for incoming students, SBE shall secure future outgoing spots for our regular students.

  • C. Cultural Exchange & Soft Skills

    Most certainly, cultural exchange enhances soft (as well as hard) skills for both the incoming and outgoing side. Regular German-speaking students are forced to communicate in a foreign language and engage with possibly differing customs and world views.


Specific & Current Topics

  • List of Incoming Students


    Due to reasons of data protection, please consult us directly for more information.

  • Procedure of Course Selection and Exam Office Registration

    <<The SBE Study Plan>>

    Incoming students are able to access their Flexnow-Account via their University of Münster ID. Whereas the deadlines for this registration are the same for regular and incoming students, the procedure differs widely.

    • Incomings do not use the website FLEXNOW for course registration.
    • Instead, incoming students must submit their course choices to the incoming coordinator via the so-called "SBE STUDY PLAN". The deadlines set by the examination office remain the same.
    • "Preliminary SBE STUDY PLAN": Approximately 2 weeks before the lectures start, i.e. September 27 for the winter semester, and March 20 for the summer semester, incoming students need to submit a "preliminary" Study Plan. Despite not being binding, this procedure shall force incomings to get acquainted with SBE at an early stage, reduce insecurities and make visible attendance requirements (application processes, Master-course availability, etc.).
    • After the Term I registration deadline, the examination office inserts all registrations into FLEXNOW case by case. Then, all incoming students will be able to check their proper registrations on Flexnow. As this procedure may take some time, the insertions are not necessarily visible within the registration deadlines, which may cause uncertainties on both sides for teachers, who want to match the exam office participation list with their participation list, as well as incoming students, who are not able to check if they are properly registered. Therefore, teachers can get in touch with the exam office directly if the course participation list and the exam office from FLEXNOW differ in the first few days after closing the deadline: PAM, Erasmus <>. The SBE Study Plans are considered finalized by the end of the Term I registration period but changes can be made until the end of the regular exam office registration deadline in the case of regular and Term II courses if the home coordinator approves.


  • Examination requirements

    Please contact us directly.


  • Non-SBE exchange students ('Fachfremd')

    >> Exchange students not enrolled at SBE but another Department

    Requests of prospective non-subject exchange students can be directed to this website.
    After a preliminary check, the application is forwarded to the Chair for a final decision-making.

    Generally, exchange students enrolled at another faculty (not SBE) can participate in SBE courses, if, and only if, the respective Chair explicitly agrees to the participation.

    • As the examination office, currently, does not create a FLEXNOW account for these students, it will not be possible for the students nor the International Relations Center to register the participation in the usual way via our examination office and FLEXNOW. The examination office does not get involved at any stage.
    • Therefore, unfortunately, the SBE Chair needs to organize the examination participation (print-outs, seat assignment, and certification) on its own. After completion, the student shall receive a certificate from the Chair stating the grade and ECTS. On the basis of this certificate, the faculty at which the student has been enrolled is able to include the course in the overall Transcript.
    • Proposed deadline: Term I Deadline of the respective semester (sog. "vorgezogene Klausurenphase"), usually mid-April (for a Summer Semester) / mid-October (for a winter semester)
  • Double Degree Students

    Please see here.