Selected Publications

Bommaraju, Raghu, S. Arunachalam, and Sebastian Hohenberg (2024), “EXPRESS: Multi-Segment and Single-Segment Sales Contests: Evidence of Their Effectiveness and the Underlying Mechanisms,” Journal of Marketing Research, 00222437241307577.


Harz, N., Hohenberg, S., & Homburg, C. (2022). Virtual Reality in New Product Development: Insights from Prelaunch Sales Forecasting for DurablesJournal of Marketing, 86(3): 157-179.

Homburg, C., Theel, M., & Hohenberg, S. (2020). Marketing Excellence: Nature, Measurement, and Investor ValuationsJournal of Marketing, 84(4): 1-22.

Atefi, Y., Ahearne, M., Hohenberg, S., Hall, Z., & Zettelmeyer, F. (2020). Open Negotiation: The Back-end Benefits of Salespeople’s Transparency in the Front EndJournal of Marketing Research, 57(6): 1076-1094.

Bommaraju, R., & Hohenberg, S. (2018). Self-selected Sales Incentives: Evidence of their Effectiveness, Persistence, Durability, and Underlying MechanismsJournal of Marketing: 82(5), 106-124.

Hohenberg, S., & Homburg, C. (2016). Motivating Sales Reps for Innovation Selling in Different CulturesJournal of Marketing, 80(2): 101-120.