- 01/2022 A chance to win or lose it all? A systematic literature review on the consequences of natural disasters for governments (Anna Kindsmüller)
- 02/2022 Institutional Hierarchies and Economic Growth A Bundled Approach (Helena Helfer)
- 03/2022 Drivers of Economic Growth – The Special Case of Sub-Saharan Africa (Helena Helfer)
- 04/2021 Building Bridges: Bilateral Manager Connections and International Trade (Felix Hoch / Jonas Rudsinske)
- 03/2021 Trust we lost: The Treuhand experience and political behavior in the former German Democratic Republic (Kim Leonie Kellermann)
- 02/2021 Die Pandemie verschiebt die Dringlichkeiten in der Infrastrukturpolitik (Anna Kindsmüller)
- 01/2021: Die Konjunkturreagibilität öffentlicher Investitionen am Beispiel der deutschen Schuldenbremse (Isabel Boldrick)
- 01/2020: Why so negative? Negative party positioning in spatial models of voting (Felix Hoch / Kim Leonie Kellermann)
- 05/2019: Rally Around the EU Flag! Supra-Nationalism in the Light of Islamist Terrorism (Anna Nowak)
- 04/2019: Fiscal Decentralization and Electoral Participation: Analyzing Districts in Indonesia (Alfa Farah)
- 03/2019: The Impact of Election Information Shocks on Populist Party Preferences: Evidence from Germany (Lena Gerling / Kim Leonie Kellermann)
- 02/2019: Winning a District Election in a Clientelistic Society: Evidence from Decentralized Indonesia (Alfa Farah)
- 01/2019: The Dynamics of Political Myths and Ideologies (Thomas Apolte / Julia Müller)
- 06/2018: You failed! Government Satisfaction and Party Preferences Facing Islamist (Anna Nowak)
- 05/2018: Immigration and Anti-Immigrant Sentiments - Evidence from the 2017 German Parliamentary Election (Kim Leonie Kellermann / Simon Winter)
- 04/2018: An Empirical Investigation on the Distributional Impact of Network Charges in Germany (Lisa Schlesewsky / Simon Winter)
- 03/2018: Radioinactive: Are nuclear power plant outages in France contagious to the German electricity price? (Sonja Rinne)
- 02/2018: Fiscal Disparity, Institutions and Asymmetric Yardstick Competition (Alfa Farah)
- 01/2018 : A Theory of Autocratic Transition (Thomas Apolte)
04/2017: Political Participation and Party Capture in a Dualized Economy: A Game Theory Approach (Kim Leonie Kellermann)
03/2017 : Minimum Wages and Vocational Training Incentives in Germany (Kim Leonie Kellermann)
- 02/2017: Riots and the Window of Opportunity for Coup Plotters: Evidence on the Link between Urban Protests and Coups d'États (Lena Gerling)
- 01/2017: I hope I die befor I get old: The supply side of the market for suicide bombers (Thomas Apolte)
- 06/2015: Social Market Economy: Towards a Comprehensive Composite Index (Helena Helfer)
- 05/2015: Autocracy and the Public (Thomas Apolte)
- 04/2015: Überschätzen sich Schüler? (Fabian Schleithoff)
- 03/2015: Youth Bulges, Insurrections, and Politico-Economic Institutions: Theory and Empirical Evidence (Thomas Apolte & Lena Gerling)
- 02/2015: Gordon Tullock's Theory of Dictatorship and Revolution (Thomas Apolte)
- 01/2015: Abused Rebels and Winning Coalitions: Regime Change under the Pressure of Rebellions (Thomas Apolte)
- 03/2014 Sensitivity of Economists during Market Allocation (Johannes R. Suttner)
- 02/2014: Youth Bulges, Insurrections, and Politico-Economic Institutions (Thomas Apolte)
- 01/2014: Maternity Leave and its Consequences for Subsequent Careers in Germany (Nele Franz)
- 06/2013: The Supply of Democracy: Explaining Voluntary Democratic Transition (Thomas Apolte)
- 05/2013: Income Comparisons, Income Adaptation, and Life Satisfaction: How Robust Are Estimates from Survey Data? (Tobias Pfaff)
- 04/2013: Testing the Easterlin Hypothesis with Panel Data: The Dynamic Relationship Between Life Satisfaction and Economic Growth in Germany and in the UK (Tobias Pfaff & Johannes Hirata)
- 03/2013: Unkonventionelle Geldpolitik - Warum die Europäische Zentralbank ihre Unabhängigkeit nicht verloren hat (Carsten Schwäbe)
- 02/2013: Which Qualifications Does a Minister of the German Federal Government Need to Be Reoccupied? (Katrin Scharfenkamp)
- 01/2013: Zur Ethik von Rankings im Hochschulwesen Eine Betrachtung aus ökonomischer Perspektive (Harry Müller)
- 03/2012: Wie (un-) fair sind Ökonomen?Neue empirische Evidenz zur Marktbewertung und Rationalität (René Ruske / Johannes Suttner)
- 02/2012: An Empirical Study of the Limits and Perspectives of Institutional Transfers (Marie Möller)
- 01/2012: Toward a More General Approach to Political Stability in Comparative Political Systems (Thomas Apolte)
- 11/2011: Geschlechtsspezifische Verdienstunterschiede und Diskriminierung am Arbeitsmarkt – Eine Untersuchung unter Berücksichtigung von Voll- und Teilzeitarbeit (Nele Franz)
- 10/2011: Economic Voting and Economic Revolutionizing? The Economics of Incumbency Changes in European Democracies and Revolutionary Events in the Arab World (Marie Möller)
- 09/2011: Das „Bruttonationalglück“ als Leitlinie der Politik in Bhutan – eine ordnungspolitische Analyse (Tobias Pfaff)
- 08/2011: Bestimmungsgründe für die Beschäftigung und Rekrutierung von Älteren sowie für das Angebot an altersspezifischen Personalmaßnahmen (Christian Lehmann)
- 07/2011: Warum der Baseler Ausschuss für Bankenaufsicht mit seinem antizyklischlen Kapitalpuffer falsch liegt (Björn Ludwig)
- 06/2011: Coping with Unpleasant Surprises in a Complex World: Is Rational Choice Possible in a World with Positive Information Costs? (Roger D. Congleton)
- 05/2011: Kompetenzziele für das allgemein bildende Fach „Wirtschaft / Ökonomie“ in der Sekundarstufe I (AGOEB - Arbeitsgruppe Ökonomische Bildung)
- 04/2011: Overconfidence and Team-Performance: An Analysis of NBA-Players’ Self-Perception (Hannah Geyer & Hanke Wickhorst)
- 03/2011: Gefangen im Dilemma? Ein strategischer Ansatz der Wahl- und Revolutionsteilnahme (Marie Möller)
- 02/2011: Plädoyer für eine problemorientierte, lerntheoretisch und fachlich fundierte ökonomische Bildung (Gerd-Jan Krol, Dirk Loerwald & Christian Müller)
- 01/2011: Die Gemeinschaft der Lehrenden und Lernenden: Festvortrag zur Promotionsfeier der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät am 24. November 2010 in der Aula des Schlosses (Alexander Dilger)