Vita Marie Gabel
05/2021 - 02/2023:
PostDoc at the Business Management Group, University of Muenster
Promotion Dr. rer. pol.
"New Avenues in Data-Driven Health Innovations: Shaping Individual and Organizational Behavior in the Light of Data Privacy"
since 12/2017:
Research and Business Assocatiate at the Business Management Group, University of Muenster
11/2016 - 09/2017:
Student Research Assistant at the Business Management Group, University of Muenster
10/2015 -09/2017:
Master of Business Administration, University of Muenster
Major: Management, Minor: Economics
08/2013 – 01/2014:
Semester Abroad, Universidad Castilla la Mancha
10/2011 – 03/2015:
Bachelor of Business Administration/Business Studies and Economics (B.Sc.), Universität Passau
10/2011 – 03/2015:
International Cultural and Business Studies (B.A.), Universität Passau
Diploma at Josef-Effner-Gymnasium, Dachau