1st European Risk Conference 2007, Münster
1st European Risk Conference:
„Risk Management Systems“
September 6/7, 2007
University of Münster, Germany
Conference Review
The 1st European Risk Conference was held on September 6/7, 2007, at the University of Münster. The conference was hosted by the Chair of International Accounting (Prof. Dr. Peter Kajüter). It was the first in a series of four conferences on risk management, internal control and corporate governance that are organised by the European Risk Research Network (ERRN) and funded by the EU’s Marie Curie programme.
More than 80 participants from 14 different countries attended the conference to discuss recent developments in risk research and make new contacts with colleagues working in the field of risk management. In addition to networking with other academics, the conference provided a platform to exchange ideas with practitioners. For this purpose, an afternoon was devoted to a Business Risk Forum.
The conference started with a key note presentation by Professor Michael Power (London School of Economics and Political Science). In his presentation entitled “The Rise of Internal Control and the Standardization of Risk Management” he described the increasing interest in internal controls in the 1990s and the development of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM). Further presentations at the Business Risk Forum included topics such as “Enterprise Risk Management and Regulation”, “Risk Management at Henkel” and “Auditing Risk Management Systems”.

The conference programme comprised several parallel sessions in which 18 research papers were presented. The papers were selected out of 35 submissions and included a broad range of risk-related topics. Each paper presented received feedback by a discussant. At the end of the conference, the Best Paper Award was given to Dr. Rogier Deumes (Maastricht University) for this paper entitled “The Information Content of Risk Factor Disclosure in IPO Prospectuses”.

Immediately prior to the conference, a PhD Workshop was held on September 5. It included a key note presentation by Paul Collier (Monash University, Australia) entitled “From PhD to publication: satisfying two audiences” and the presentation of research papers by PhD students. Each paper received individual feedback by a discussant and by comments from other workshop participants.
The scientific programme was complemented by social events. On the first evening, the participants enjoyed a guided city tour and a welcome reception in the historic City Hall by the mayor of Münster. The second evening provided further opportunities for networking and the exchange of ideas at the Conference Dinner in “Zwei-Löwen-Klub”.

Scientific Committee
Sergio Beretta, University of Bocconi
Carlos Blancos, Universidad Complutense Madrid
Saverio Bozzolan, University of Padua
Kevin Dowd, University of Nottingham
Peter Kajüter, University of Münster
Philip Linsley, University of York
Margaret Woods, University of Nottingham
Conference Reviews for download:
Risikomanagementsysteme in Theorie und Praxis (ZfCM 2007, S. 381-383)
Risikomanagementsysteme zur Insolvenzprophylaxe (KSI 2007, S. 193)