Prof. Dr. Julia Müller
Since July 28, 2019, Professor Julia Müller is Professor of Management at the University of Osnabrück and heads the Chair of Management.
Go to Profile of Prof. Dr. Julia Müller (external link)
Research Interests:
Incentives in Teams, Human Resource Management, Leadership, Organizations, Organizational Behavior, Decision Making, Applied Game Theory, Bargaining, Behavioral Economics, Experimental Economics
Articles in refereed journals (extract):
- "Big Five Personality Factors in the Trust Game", joint with Christiane Schwieren, accepted for publication, Journal of Business Economics.
- "The Rich Domain of Ambiguity Explored", joint with Zhihua Li, Peter P. Wakker and Tong V. Wang, Management Science, 64(7), 3227-3240, 2018.
- "Centralised Labour Market Negotiations: Strategic Behaviour Curbs Employment" , joint with Thorsten Upmann, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 174(2), 278--302, 2018.
- "Bidding for Nothing? The Pitfalls of Overly Neutral Framing", joint with Peter Duersch, Applied Economics Letters, 24(13), pp. 932-935, 2017.
- "Taking Punishment Into Your Own Hands: An Experiment", joint with Peter Duersch, Journal of Economic Psychology 46(1), pp. 1-11, 2015.
- "The Structure of Firm-Specific Labour Unions", joint with Thorsten Upmann, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 170(2), pp. 336-364, 2014.
- "Can Personality Explain What is Underlying Women's Unwillingness to Compete?", joint with Christiane Schwieren, Journal of Economic Psychology33(3), pp. 448-460, 2012.
Working Papers (extract):
- "The Dynamics of Political Myths and Ideologies", joint with Thomas Apolte, Disussion Paper of the Center for Interdisciplinary Economics 1/2019, University of Münster, 2019.
- "Identifying Leadership Skills Required in the Digital Age", joint with Milan Klus, Discussion Paper Institute for Organisational Economics 11/2018, University of Münster, 2018.
- "Verzerrungen bei Personalbeurteilungen durch Führungskräfte", Discussion Paper Institute for Organisational Economics 12/2017, University of Münster, 2017.
- "Eigenvalue Productivity: Measurement of Individual Contributions in Teams", cesifo Working Paper No. 6679, September 2017.
- "Using Personality Questionnaires in Experiments -- Limits and Potentials", joint with Christiane Schwieren, MPRA Paper No. 78132, 2017.
- "Is Trustworthiness Written on the Face?", joint with Alexander Dilger und Michael Müller, Discussion Paper Institute for Organisational Economics 2/2017, University of Münster, 2017.
- "What Drives Destruction? On the Malleability of Anti-Social Behavior", joint with Christiane Schwieren and Florian Spitzer, WU Economics Working Paper No. 238, December 2016.
- "Measurement of Co-Worker Productivity in Teams", joint with Thorsten Upmann, Discussion Paper Series in Economics and Management, GEABA, Discussion Paper No. 16-22, 2016.
- "Centralised Labour Market Negotiations: Strategic Behaviour Curbs Employment", joint with Thorsten Upmann, CESifoWorking Paper Series no. 4470, 2013.
- "What Can the Big Five Personality Factors Contribute to Explain Small-Scale Economic Behavior?", joint with Christiane Schwieren, TI Discussion Paper 12-028/1, 2012.
- "More Than Meets the Eye: An Eye-Tracking Experiment on the Beauty Contest Game", joint with Christiane Schwieren, Universität Heidelberg, Alfred-Weber-Institut für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Discussion Paper no. 516, 2011.
Curriculum Vitae:
Academic Positions:
- Since 06/2019 Professor for Management at the University of Osnabrück
- 04/2015 - 06/2019 Postdoc at the Institute for Organisational Economics, University of Münster, Prof. Dr. Alexander Dilger
- 10/2014 - 03/2015 Postdoc and Manager of KD2Lab, Institute ECON, Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT)
- 01/2012 - 10/2014 Assistant Professor, Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University of Rotterdam, Research Group Behavioral Economics, Prof. Dr. Peter Wakker
- 03/2010 - 12/2011 Research Assistant at the Chair of Economic Theory II, Prof. Jörg Oechssler,PhD, University of Heidelberg, link
- 10/2009 - 03/2010 Research Assistant, Faculty of Economics, University of Mainz
- 04/2007 - 03/ 2010 Research Assistant, Scholarship Landesgraduiertenförderung Baden-Württemberg, Prof. Jörg Oechssler,PhD, University of Heidelberg
- 04/2006 - 04/2007 Research Assistant, Scholarship Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Institute for Mathematical Economics, University of Bielefeld
Academic Ecudation:
- 04/2019 Habilitation (PD), University of Münster
- 07/2012 PhD in economics (Dr. rer. pol.), University of Heidelberg
- 03/2006 Diplom Wirtschaftsmathematik (equivalent Master Degree in Mathematical Economics), University of Bielefeld
Refereeing for:
AOM, Business Resarch, EURAM, European Economic Review, Experimental Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Socio-Economics, PLOS ONE, Southern Economic Journal, VHB