Essays in Sports Economics
Sport economics is probably one of the fastest growing disciplines in eco-nomics. This comes at no surprise since many sports leagues have evolved as a multi-billion dollar business. Therefore, knowing how sports leagues work and determining factors of success has become essential for manag-ing these leagues. Sports leagues are one of the most eminent examples of how important co-operation of companies is. To put it more clearly: There is no sports busi-ness without at least a certain degree of co-operation. The teams have to agree on and obey to some rules concerning their sport and the business that is affiliated to their sport, e.g. transfer rights, merchandising rights, broadcasting rights. They forgo some of their rights knowing that this abandonment benefits them through higher profits on the league level. De-fining and splitting these property rights is certainly one of the most excit-ing management task that has to be overcome by the teams’ and league’s management.
Tariq Hasan moves forward in analyzing different institutional solutions for organizing sports leagues. He outlines the diverging incentives to club-owners and league management and offers new ways for solving these dis-crepancies. Moreover he analyses the pivotal issue of allocating broadcast-ing rights by putting a special emphasis on the kind of broadcasting chan-nel that the league is supposed to choose. This volume is a valuable contribution for practitioners demanding for theoretically solidly founded solutions as well as for theorists looking for new approaches to the theory of co-operation.