Dr. Andreas Dombret doctoral thesis award

Hon. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Andreas Raymond Dombret

I want to contribute actively to further strengthening the practical orientation of the University of Münster School of Business and Economics. This also means that outstanding dissertations shall be acknowledged publicly as such by the faculty and be awarded a prize.


The Dr. Andreas Dombret doctoral thesis award of the University of Münster School of Business & Economics includes a prize money of 2,000 euros. It is awarded twice in the academic year for the dissertation that most successfully manages to combine theoretical knowledge with specific application in business or economic practice. As a precondition, the dissertation must have been appraised with "summa cum laude" at the University of Münster School of Business & Economics. The faculty is responsible for the selection of the prize winner and is finalised after consulting with Dr. Dombret.

Award winners in the course of time

Jahr Name Titel
2024 Dr. Moritz Gutsch Co-Assessment of Costs and Environmental lmpacts for Low and Negative Carbon Dioxide Technologies
2023 Dr. Jörn Debener Machine Learning and Text Mining in Financial Institutions and Markets
2022 Dr. Ricarda Schauerte How Digitalization Transforms Media Markets
2021 Dr. Marie Gabel New Avenues in Data-Driven Health Innovations: Shaping Individual and Organizational Behavior in the Light of Data Privacy
2020 Dr. Kathrin Goldmann Transport Infrastructure - How to account for systematic risks, reap wider economic benefits, and evaluate highway traffic congestion
2019 Dr. Christopher Jung Strategic Management in Dynamic Firm Environments - Dynamic Capabilities & Corporate Resources as Sources of Corporate Agility
2018 Dr. Daniel Westmattelmann An Agent-based Analysis of Doping Behaviour in Elite Sports
2017 Dr. Fabian Riegler Immaterielle Werte als Gegenstand der internationalen Steuerplanung
2016 Dr. Tom Philipp Dybowski Four essays on the empirics of fiscal and monetary policy
2015 Dr. Christian Domikowsky Beiträge zu Kreditrisikovorsorge, Marktdisziplinierung und Einlagensicherung
2014 Dr. Metin Kaptan Financial Market Stability and Public Debt - Theoretical Measures to Ease the Current Crisis
2013 Dr. Sven Nolte Behavioral Aspects of insuring Financial Risks during the Payout Phase of Retirement
2012 Dr. Friedrich Sommer Marktpreisprognose in kontrollierten Auktionen - Relevanz, Durchführung und empirischer Verfahrensvergleich
2011 Dr. Stephan Naß Strategische Kündigungsverhalten in vertraglichen Endkundenbeziehungen
2010 Dr. Matthias Janssen Preisbildung, Marktmacht und Investitionen in Strommärkten
2009 Dr. Daniela Barth Prognoseberichterstattung – Praxis, Determinanten und Kapitalmarktwirkungen bei deutschen Unternehmen
2008 Dr. Dorothee Herring Zusammenhang zwischen dem Ölpreis und dem Euro-Dollar-Wechselkurs
2007 Dr. Daniel Nießing Kunden-werben-Kunden-Kampagnen

Motivation and objectives

From 1982 to 1987 Hon. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Andreas Raymond Dombret studied at the University of Münster School of Business & Economics. These academic studies were the basis for his successful career in organisations of international banking. His international career in banking includes positions at Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan, Rothschild and the Bank of America. From 2010 to 2018 he was a board member of the German Federal Bank (Deutsche Bundesbank). Since leaving the Bundesbank in May 2018, he has also held regular lectures at Columbia University in New York. Andreas Dombret has been scientifically active for many years and is the author of various articles and books.

After working for the Bundesbank, Andreas Dombret returned to the private sector and advises international financial service providers. He is Global Senior Advisor to the management consultancy Oliver Wyman, on the Global Advisory Board of the Japanese major bank Sumitomo Mitsui, he advises the British research provider Autonomous and the Hamburg-based FinTech Deposit Solution. Finally he is International Senior Advisor to the Los Angeles-based investment bank Houlihan Lokey.

Andreas Dombret also funds the Andreas Dombret-Center for Students Initiatives, in which the student initiatives of the School of Business and Economics are located.