To ensure the quality of study programs, programs at German universities must undergo an accreditation process on a regular basis. All bachelor's and master's degree programs must be accredited according to legal mandate. The study programs are reviewed by external expert assessors and must meet both external and WWU-internal quality standards.
As a national agency for the accreditation of study programs at German and international universities, the accreditation procedure is the responsibility of the Agentur für Qualitätssicherung durch Akkreditierung von Studiengängen e.V. (AQAS). The agency is backed by 93 universities and a scientific association.
The evaluation procedures carried out by AQAS are designed as peer reviews. Accordingly, the evaluation of a study program is based on the assessments of professors, representatives of professional practice, and students with a relevant professional background. In order to verify and discuss the information presented in the accreditation application, an inspection of the university by the group of reviewers usually takes place.
The bachelor's and master's degree programs of the School of Business and Economics are assessed by AQAS on a regular basis. All accreditation and reaccreditation procedures have been successful so far. An overview of the accredited degree programs can be found here.