Research profile
As one of the leading Schools of Business and Economics (SBE) in Germany, our school offers an attractive environment for outstanding researchers from all over the world. We support young talents in order to train them to become outstanding scientists and to contribute to science and society.
Researchers from the fields of business administration, economics and information systems work together. We promote scientific exchange and interdisciplinarity in order to successfully address the challenges of these times in our research. The size and diversity of the Faculty provide excellent conditions for discipline-specific and interdisciplinary research. The Faculty is active in both basic and applied research, thus creating a synthesis between the needs of science and the requirements of practice. The scientific knowledge gained at the Faculty is passed on in teaching (research-based teaching). The members of the faculty are involved in international and national research networks and work across faculties with partners at the WWU, Germany, and abroad.
The faculty is recognized in the scientific community and accredited by the AACSB. This accreditation brings with it a commitment to continuous improvement in research, teaching and transfer.
Research networks
Researchers from the School of Business and Economics cooperate with other academics from leading universities within the framework of research networks on an international level. A special example of this is the European Research Center for Information Systems (ERCIS), which is managed from Münster. The network bundles competences from areas such as data science and artificial intelligence. Together, the network partners are working, for example, on projects to analyse disinformation, propaganda and manipulation via online media or on the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises. Further information
Research projects
The researchers at the School of Business and Economics are involved in discipline-specific and interdisciplinary research projects and initiatives. The focus is on forward-looking issues that are of particular significance for academia, business, politics and society. Examples of this can be found in diverse areas of business administration and economics as well as information systems. The research activities include the following projects and initiatives among others. For an overview of all current research projects, please visit our research portal.
Algorithmisation and social interaction
Imagine you call a company and your request is no longer answered by a human being but by an artificial assistant – how does this affect you as an individual and society at large? And does the customization of information in social media and online environments limit our horizon, or even keeps us in a “filter bubble”? These socially and politically relevant questions are being investigated within the framework of an interdisciplinary cooperation of researchers from the fields of information systems, business administration, social sciences and law at the WWU. Participants in the project include Prof. Jörg Becker, Dr. Lena Frischlich, Dr. Christian Grimme, Prof. Thorsten Hennig-Thurau, Prof. Pascal Kerschke, Prof. Stefan Klein and Prof. Heike Trautmann. Learn more
International tax avoidance: Economic consequences and countermeasures
Media reports on tax avoidance practices of multinational companies such as Google, Apple and Starbucks have triggered a storm of public indignation and put the implementation of government measures against profit shifting to low-tax countries high on the political agenda. Researchers from the Münster Center for Economic Policy, together with academics from the Ruhr University Bochum and the University of Oxford, are investigating the economic consequences of multinational tax avoidance and the effectiveness of government countermeasures. On the WWU side, Prof. Nadine Riedel is involved and heads the project. Learn more
Virtual reality and "metaverse"
The Corona pandemic has given digital forms of communication an additional boost. Certain technologies have been enabling us to move around in virtual space and interact with each other for a long time. In the eXperimental Reality Lab of the Marketing Center Münster (XRLab@MCM), marketing researchers from Münster have been investigating the effects of the latest generation of hardware and software in the field of virtual and augmented reality for companies, consumers and society since April 2021. The initiative explores the possibilities of this new reality, as well as its implementation barriers and risks, to contribute to a comprehensive and informed understanding of the underlying technology and its place in our world. Participants in the project include Prof. Thorsten Hennig-Thurau, Nilusha Aliman, Prof. Raoul Kübler, Dr. Gerrit Cziehso, Marc Linder and Alina Herting. Learn more