Visiting International Professors (VIP) Program
The SBE’s visiting program for international faculty (VIP program) has been launched in 2016 as part of the School’s internationalization strategy. It aims at providing a framework to institutionalize existing visiting activities and to attract new international faculty for long-term affiliations with the School. The VIP program provides different options for international faculty to engage in teaching, research and PhD supervision activities. As a result of the program, the School’s international network has been expanded and strengthened. Students benefit from the experience and expertise of renowned international visiting scholars (“internationalization at home”). At the same time, the English taught program of the School is being systematically developed through the involvement of international guests.
We are looking for outstanding professors with a proven research record to enrich our research as well as for early career faculty (PostDocs, Assistant Professors) to work with research groups or to take over dedicated teaching assignments. The program welcomes professors whose research fits into the research agenda of centers of individual colleagues and who are willing to spent time in Muenster for in-depth engagement with ongoing research activities, teaching responsibilities on a regular basis and mentoring for PhD candidates.