Doctoral Committee

The Doctoral Committee takes care of all formal aspects related to the doctorate. At the beginning of the doctorate, it is responsible for admission to the doctorate, as well as for the possible determination of requirements if someone has completed a degree in a different field. At the end of the doctoral studies, the Doctoral Committee grants admission to the doctoral examination. Recognition of courses completed outside of the School of Business and Economics is also the responsibility of the Doctoral Committee.


Academic staff

PhD students

Non-academic staff

Members: Members: Members: Members:
Prof. Dr. Nicole Branger (chairperson)
Prof. Dr. Bernd Hellingrath
Prof. Dr. Nadine Riedel
Prof. Dr. Gernot Sieg
Prof. Dr. Christoph Watrin
Dr. Michael Räckers Simon Haastert
Shariga Sivanathan
Isabel Hemesath
Deputies: Deputies: Deputies: Deputies:
Prof. Dr. Thomas Ehrmann
Prof. Dr. Bernd Wilfling

Dr. Henry Hosseini

Janina Lütke-Stockdiek
Christina Okoutsidou

Claudia Langenberg