Socially Responsible Investing (SoSe 2024)








Tag Zeit Häufigkeit Datum Raum
Montag 08:00- 10:00 Uhr Einzeltermin 01.07.2024 Krummer Timpen 5, ULB 101
Dienstag 08:00- 10:00 Uhr Einzeltermin 02.07.2024 Krummer Timpen 5, ULB 101
Mittwoch 08:00- 10:00 Uhr Einzeltermin 03.07.2024 Krummer Timpen 5, ULB 101
Donnerstag 08:00- 10:00 Uhr Einzeltermin 04.07.2024 Krummer Timpen 5, ULB 101
Freitag 08:00- 10:00 Uhr Einzeltermin 05.07.2024 Krummer Timpen 5, ULB 101
Montag 08:00- 10:00 Uhr Einzeltermin 08.07.2024 Krummer Timpen 5, ULB 101
Dienstag 08:00- 10:00 Uhr Einzeltermin 09.07.2024 Krummer Timpen 5, ULB 101
Mittwoch 08:00- 10:00 Uhr Einzeltermin 10.07.2024 Krummer Timpen 5, ULB 101
Donnerstag 08:00- 10:00 Uhr Einzeltermin 11.07.2024 Krummer Timpen 5, ULB 101
Freitag 08:00- 10:00 Uhr Einzeltermin 12.07.2024 Krummer Timpen 5, ULB 101


To apply for the ”Socially Responsible Investing” class, please email Carlos Hoffmann Linhard, by May 1st 2024 at the latest. Please be aware that we will admit qualified applicants to the class prior to the end of the deadline. The application requires the following documents:

  • Transcript of records
  • Motivation for the class (max. 200 words)
  • CV


This course will review modern investing products, and how ESG (environmental, social, and governance) factors are measured and integrated into investment strategies.

We will also consider scholarly research on ESG factors, such as Caroline Flammer’s recent study of long-term management incentives and Robert Litterman’s work on climate risk. In addition, the course will cover commercial ESG products, including the MSCI IVA rating system and Société Générale’s CEO-focused ESG alpha strategy.

The course will consist of lectures, class discussions, and a team project. Project teams will evaluate responsible investment products from all over the world and share their findings.


  • Prof. Dr. Nadja Guenster (begleitend)
  • Professor Lloyd Kurtz (verantwortlich)
  • Marcel Werner (begleitend)