James Alm
James Alm is Professor of Economics at the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University, USA.
His most recent research fields include, among others, tax compliance and tax evasion, the marriage tax, tax and expenditure limitations, tax amnesties, taxpayer responses to tax reforms, enterprise zones, the determinants of state economic growth, and corruption. His work has been published extensively in leading journals including The American Economic Review, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Review of Economics and Statistics, Economia, Economic Inquiry, Journal of Public Economics, and National Tax Journal. He has also published numerous book chapters and books including Taxing the Hard-to-tax: Lessons from Theory and Practice (with Jorge Martinez-Vazquez, and Sally Wallace) Elsevier B. V. – North Holland Publishers, 2004, and The Challenges of Tax Reform in the 21st Century (with Jorge Martinez-Vazquez, and Mark Rider), Springer, 2006. His work has also been noted in articles in the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, the Boston Globe, Forbes, and Business Week.
He is editor of Public Finance Review. He also has served on the editorial board of the National Tax Journal and on the Executive Committee of the National Tax Association, and he is currently on the editorial board of Economic Inquiry.
His Keynote address is on:
Designing Alternative Strategies to Reduce Tax Evasion
Further information is available from his homepage.