Shadow 2017
The Shadow Economy, Tax Evasion and Informal Labor
The 5th Shadow Conference takes place at the University of Warsaw, Poland.
The conference aims at bringing together researchers analyzing issues such as the shadow economy, tax evasion, money laundering, corruption, and related questions with respect to informal labor. Therefore, the conference may provide a great opportunity for scholars working in this field to explore and discuss recent research developments.
Researchers working in these areas are invited to submit papers or abstracts. Further details are available from the Call for Papers and the local conference website
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: 1 March 2017
Notice of Acceptance: No later than 31 March 2017
Conference: 27-30 July 2017
Stanislaw Cichocki (University of Warsaw, Poland), Ryszard Kokoszczynski (University of Warsaw, Poland), Aloys Prinz (University of Münster, Germany) and Sascha Hokamp (University of Hamburg, Germany)
Conference Organizers