Dr. Gaygysyz Guljanov
Institut für Ökonometrie und Wirtschaftsstatistik
Am Stadtgraben 9
48143 Münster
Raum 310
Tel.: +49 (0)251-83 22827
Github: https://github.com/gguljanov/
nach Vereinbarung
- Identification and Estimation of DSGE models
Akademische Ausbildung
10/2019 - aktuell Doktorand, Institut für Ökonometrie und Wirtschaftsstatistik
10/2017 - 09/2019 M.Sc. Quantitative Economics, Bielefeld University
09/2010 - 06/2014 B.Sc. Industrial Engineering, International Turkmen-Turkish University
- Time Series Analysis (Master, WiSe 2019/20)
- Empirical Methods (Master, SoSe 2020)
- Macroeconomics and Finance during the Pandemic (Master/PhD, WiSe 2020/21)
- Econometrics: Estimation methods (Master/PhD, SoSe 2021)
- Macroeconomics and Finance beyond the Pandemic (Master/PhD, WiSe 2021/22)
- Time Series Analysis (Master, SoSe 2022)
- Applied Macroeconometrics (Master/PhD, WiSe 2022/23)
- Time Series Analysis (Master, SoSe 2023)
- Empirical Methods (Master, WiSe 2023/24)
- Time Series Analysis (Master, SoSe 2024)
- Guljanov G., Mutschler W., Trede M., 2022. Pruned Skewed Kalman Filter and Smoother: With Application to the Yield Curve (Working paper), replication codes: https://github.com/wmutschl/pruned-skewed-kalman-paper and https://github.com/gguljanov/pruned-skewed-kalman