Discussion Paper of the Institute for Organisational Economics 9/2020
Stellungnahme zur Änderung des Brennstoffemissionshandelsgesetzes
Alexander Dilger
September 2020
Opinion on the Amendment to the Fuel Emissions Trading Act
The Fuel Emissions Trading Act is intended to price greenhouse gas emissions that have not yet been covered by the EU emissions certificate trade, particularly in the transport and heating sectors. The most important point of the planned change in the law is the significant increase in emission prices in the introductory phase from 2021 to 2026. Shortly before the introduction, this reduces planning security and leads to prices at the level of the EU certificates right from the start, which are then likely to be significantly exceeded. It would be better to expand the EU system, to adopt its prices, to start the separate auctioning of certificates earlier in Germany or simply to forego the change in the law.