Offers for companies
© Ganzauge Media GmbH – Kai Uwe Oesterhelweg
The CDC seeks to cooperate with employers who operate on regional, national or global levels. We would like to cover the widest possible range and are interested in cooperating with companies and organisations from economy, culture, the media and the public authorities. We consider these to be important components in building a bridge between academic theory and business practice. If you are interested, please contact the Deans's Office.
Career fair Business Contacts
Are you looking for highly qualified and motivated junior staff, particularly from the field of economics? Then Business Contacts will help you to do so: every year, it offers some 50 companies the opportunity to present themselves with stands to interested students and graduates. Business Contacts is not only a graduate career fair, but a job fair which gives priority to the dialogue between students of all semesters and company representatives. Numerous side events such as warm-up workshops, job speed dating, one-on-one interviews, a business breakfast and the alumni talk increase the fair’s attractiveness.
The fair takes place at the Juridicum, which is the faculty’s main building, every year on the Friday of Pentecost week. It is organised by Business Contacts GmbH, a cooperation partner of the faculty. Please click here for information on attending the fair.
Workshops and career events
In cooperation with companies, the CDC organises numerous events every semester. This includes workshops with subsequent get-togethers (application trainings, simulation of interviews, case study trainings and others), company excursions and events like the Career Dinner. The current CDC semester programme provides event examples.
Recruiting event calender
In our recruiting event calendar, we announce national and international recruiting events of companies, commercial enterprises and other institutions. If you wish us to promote your event, please send an email with the following information to the Dean's Office:
- Name, date and location of the event
- Abstract, 2-3 sentences
- Link to the event’s description on your website, PDF of the event flyer or poster
The School of Business and Economics’ book of graduates
The school’s alumni network AlumniUM e.V., together with the Dean's Office, developed the idea to publish a book of graduates of the University of Münster School of Business and Economics. It is a web-based data file which is updated once every semester. The graduates’ and PhD students’ recorded data provide an insight into the detailed CVs. In addition, personal preferences of the graduates as regards industries and regions can be learned. Please click here for further information.