Alumni networks
AlumniUM e.V. is the official alumni network of the School of Business and Economics. Founded in 2001, the association with its already more than 3,000 members is one of the fastest growing and largest alumni networks of its kind in Germany. AlumniUM considers itself a friends’ association supporting the academic education and research as well as the connection of theory and practice at the School of Business and Economics both in non-material and material ways.
Many graduates stay connected to their former faculty after their studies. AlumniUM organises regular meetings of former students, for example. In November every year, the “Home-Coming-Event” is held in Münster, which over 500 graduates from all over the world attend. Regular meetings of alumni in Zurich or New York are no exception, either.
An important element of an active network is the online community Members can find fellow students, old friends and possible business partners and can arrange meetings of their regional groups. In addition, the global network of AlumniUM offers alumni and also students numerous possibilities and career opportunities from which they profit in their working lives. A special mentoring programme, for example, supports students with their career planning right from the start. The Graduates’ Book offers students the opportunity to present themselves to preferred employers from all industrial sectors with only one application. In addition to an edition addressing companies, a student’s version is published on the occasion of the graduate ceremonies, which serves as a souvenir of the years of study in Münster. Furthermore, Business Contacts GmbH – an AlumniUM e.V. spin-off – organises the annual career fair, Business Contacts.
The chairs and student initiatives also offer graduates and former members the opportunity to maintain their ties with the School of Business and Economics. Below is an overview of alumni networks.
WINet Münster (short for “Wirtschaftsinformatik-Netzwerk”, Information Systems Network) is a non-profit association committed to information systems in Münster and beyond. In all its activities, it pursues the idea of establishing and maintaining a joint network of students, graduates and researchers. Over and above to being a conventional alumni association, it also considers itself a friends’ association that supports student events and activities, improves the department’s facilities and also offers own seminars and workshops. -
Marketing Alumni Münster e. V.
Marketing Alumni Münster e. V. is the association of all current and former staff and students of the Marketing Center of the University of Münster. With more than 1,100 members, the association is one of the largest specialist alumni associations in Germany. Its main concern is to establish a forum to exchange experience and maintain contacts. In addition, the association’s activities focus on the advancement of science, research and teaching in the fields of marketing and business management. -
ex-cellence - Management-Netzwerk für Organisation, Personal und Innovation e. V.
ex-cellence unites former and current students of the University of Münster who have proven their qualification with superior subject-specific achievements in the context of their studies at the Department of Business Administration, particularly as regards organisation, human resources and innovation. The association aims to establish an extensive network on various levels on this basis, complying with the objectives of the association, the advancement of science and research. The emerging network is characterised by particularly high practical relevance. -
Symposium Oeconomicum - Alumni e. V.
On 8 March 2001, 18 former symposium members founded the Symposium Oeconomicum - Alumni e. V. The function of the association is to support the current Symposium Oeconomicum Münster and, in accordance with its articles of association, to advance vocational and adult training, particularly with a view to the students. Support is provided in the form of funds and equipment, but also by members of Symposium Oeconomicum - Alumni passing on their experience to current members of the Symposium Oeconomicum, by providing support in the choice of topics as regards content or by liaising sponsors and speakers. -
AccountingTalents Alumni
AccountingTalents Alumni is a network of former members of AccountingTalents, the support programme of the Chair of International Accounting. It is addressed to particularly high performing and committed students of the University of Münster with a keen interest in controlling and accounting. In order to maintain contact after graduation, AccountingTalents Alumni offers a platform for professional and personal exchange. -
Fördergesellschaft des Instituts für Siedlungs- und Wohnungswesen
The Fördergesellschaft des Instituts (institute’s support association) is a non-profit association that has been supporting scientific research in spatial and housing economics for many decades. It has some 130 members from the housing sector, financing institutions, organisations, but also from among the institute’s alumni. In particular, the friends’ association wishes to support the dialogue between science and practice by means of events and round tables, and to establish a housing economic and housing political network. -
IfG-Alumni-Netzwerk des Instituts für Genossenschaftswesen
The IfG-Alumni-Netzwerk is an association of former staff members of the Institute of Cooperative Research and of graduates from the compulsory optional subject, business cooperation. -
Forschungsgesellschaft für Genossenschaftswesen Münster
The research society is a non-profit association linking the Institute of Cooperative Research to cooperative practice and to all companies that cooperate in alliances, networks, partnerships, groups and other cooperations ever since 1947. -
Förderkreis Rechnungslegung und Steuern e. V.
The Förderkreis Rechnungslegung und Steuern e. V. (Institute of Corporate Accounting and Taxation) was founded in 2005 by Prof. Christoph Watrin and his staff at the University of Münster. The society focuses on promoting research, teaching and further education regarding accounting and taxes. -
Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V. - Regional group Münsterland
The Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V. (GI) was founded in 1969 with the aim of promoting informatics. The GI members come from all areas of science, from the informatics industry, application, teaching and education. The GI has both a subject-specific and a regional structure. The regional group Münsterland aims to facilitate and promote the exchange of information between all those who are interested in informatics in the Münsterland. In order to achieve this, lectures are organised several times a year.