Top Publications
The following is an overview of current publications by scholars of the School of Business and Economics in leading journals:
Arnold, M. C., Artz, M., & Tafkov, I. D. (2024). The effect of target transparency on managers’ target setting decisions. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 112, 101545.
Backmann, J., Wimmer, J., Mortensen, M., Hartmann, S., Hoegl, M., & Peus, C. (2024). A Resource-Based View on Individual Absorption in the Context of Multiple Team Memberships. Organization Science
Tuunanen, T., Winter, R., & vom Brocke, J. (2024). Dealing with Complexity in Design Science Research: Using Design Echelons to Support Planning, Conducting, and Communicating Design Knowledge Contributions. Management Informations Systems Quarterly (MISQ), 48(1). (accepted / in press (not yet published))
Dertwinkel-Kalt, M., & Köster, M. (2024). Salient Cues and Complexity. Management Science.
Goedde-Menke, M., & Ingermann, P. H. (2024). Loan officer specialization and credit defaults. Journal of Banking & Finance, 161, 107077.
Homburg, C., Schyma, T. R., Hohenberg, S., Atefi, Y., & Ruhnau, R. C. M. (2024). “Coopetition” in the presence of team and individual incentives: Evidence from the advice network of a sales organization. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 52(2), 306-328
Mattern, J., Tarafdar, M., Klein, S., & Schellhammer, S. (2024). Thriving in a bruising job: How high achieving IT professionals can cope with occupational demands. Information Systems Journal.
- Jarvenpaa, S., & Klein, S. (2024). New Frontiers in Information Systems Theorizing: Human-gAI Collaboration. Journal of the AIS (JAIS), 25(1), 110–121.
Krieger, J. L., Schnitzer, M., & Watzinger, M. (2024). Standing on the Shoulders of Science. Strategic Management Journal.
- Arnold, M., Artz, M., & Grasser, R. A. (2023). When Do Firms Adjust Bonus Targets Intra-Year? Evidence from Sales Executives’ Targets. Contemporary Accounting Research, 40(1), 324-355.
- Becker, J. & Wilson, J. D. (2023). Tax competition with two tax instruments — and tax base erosion. Journal of Public Economics, 225, 104965.
- Bendig, D., Hensellek, S., & Schulte, J. (2024). Beneficial, Harmful, or Both? Effects of Corporate Venture Capital and Alliance Activity on Product Recalls. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 48(1), 35-70.
Bendig, D., Wagner, R., Piening, Erk P., & Foege, J. (2023). Attention to Digital Innovation: Exploring the Impact of a Chief Information Officer in the Top Management Team. Journal MIS Quarterly, 47(4), 1487-1516.
- Böhnke, V., Ongena, S., Paraschiv, F., & Reite, E. J. (2023). Back to the roots of internal credit risk models: Does risk explain why banks' risk-weighted asset levels converge over time? Journal of Banking & Finance, 156, 106992.
- Breugelmans, E., Altenburg, L., Lehmkuhle, F., Krafft, M., Lamey, L., & Roggeveen, A. L. (2023). The Future of Physical Stores: Creating Reasons for Customers to Visit. Journal of Retailing, 99 (4), 532-546.
- Breugelmans, E., Hermans, M., Krafft, M., Kroschke, M., Lehmkuhle, F., & Mantrala, M. (2023). What is happening to my nearby stores? The own- and cross-effect of a radical store transformation on existing customers. Journal oft he Academy of Marketing Science, 52, 217-238.
- Buchheim, L. & Watzinger, M. (2023). The Employment Effects of Countercyclical Public Investments. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 15 (1), 154-173.
- Büsing, P., Cordes, H., & Langer, T. (2023). How the provision of inflation information affects pension contributions: A field experiment. Journal of Risk and Insurance, 90 (3), 633-666.
- Claußen, C. & Platte, D. (2023). Evaluating the validity of regulatory interest rate risk measures – a simulation approach. Journal of Banking & Finance, 154, 106933.
- Debener, J., Heinke, V., & Kriebel, J. (2023). Detecting insurance fraud using supervised and unsupervised machine learning. Journal of Risk and Insurance, 90 (3), 743-768.
- Degen, F., Winter, M., Bendig, D., & Tübke, J. (2023). Energy consumption of current and future production of lithium-ion and post lithium-ion battery cells. Nature Energy, 8, 1284-1295.
- Dertwinkel-Kalt, M., Ebert, S., & Köster, M. (2023). On correlated lotteries in economic applications. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 215, 292-306.
- Dertwinkel-Kalt, M. & Wey, C. (2023a). Third-Degree Price Discrimination in Oligopoly when Markets are Covered. The Journal of Industrial Economics, 71 (2), 464-490.
- Dertwinkel-Kalt, M. & Wey, C. (2023b). Resale Price Maintenance in a Successive Monopoly Model. The Journal of Industrial Economics.
Dertwinkel‐Kalt, M., & Frey, J. (2023). Optimal stopping in a dynamic salience model. International Economic Review.
- Gensler, S., Oehring, K., & Wiesel, T. (2023). Reported and communicated shifts in strategic emphasis and firm performance. International Journal of Research in Marketing (in press).
- Kruse, S., Bendig, D., & Brettel, M. (2023a). How Does CEO Decision Style Influence Firm Performance? The Mediating Role of Speed and Innovativeness in New Product Development. Journal of Management Studies, 60 (5), 1205-1235.
- Kruse, S., Bendig, D., & Brettel, M. (2023b). The Potency of Shortcuts in Decision-Making. MIT Sloan Management Review.
- Lülf, C., Martins, D. M. L., Salles, M. A. V., Zhou, Y., & Gieseke, F. (2023). Fast Search-By-Classification for Large-Scale Databases Using Index-Aware Decision Trees and Random Forests. PVLDB, 14 (1).
- Mugabowindekwe, M., Brandt, M., Chave, J., Reiner, F., Skole, D. L., Kariryaa, A., Igel, C., Hiernaux, P., Ciais, P., Mertz, O., Tong, X., Li, S., Rwanyiziri, G., Dushimiyimana, T., Ndoli, A., Uwizeyimana, V., Barnekow Lillesø, J.-P., Gieseke, F., Tucker, C. J., Saatchi, S., & Fensholt, R. (2023). Nation-wide mapping of tree-level aboveground carbon stocks in Rwanda. Nature Climate Change, 13, 91-97.
- Ngwenyama, O., Rowe, F., Klein, S., & Henriksen, H. Z. (2023). The Open Prison of the Big Data Revolution: False Consciousness, Faustian Bargains, and Digital Entrapment. Information Systems Research.
- Reiner, F., Brandt, M., Tong, X., Skole, D., Kariryaa, A., Ciais, P., Davies, A., Hiernaux, P., Chave, J., Mugabowindekwe, M., Igel, C., Oehmcke, S., Gieseke, F., Li, S., Liu, S., Saatchi, S., Boucher, P., Singh, J., Taugourdeau, S., Dendoncker, M., Song, X.-P., Mertz, O., Tucker, C. J., & Fensholt, R. (2023). More than one quarter of Africa’s tree cover is found outside areas previously classified as forest. Nature Communications,14, 2258.
- Schauerte, N., Schauerte, R., Becker, M., & Hennig-Thurau, T. (2023). Making new enemies: How suppliers’ digital disintermediation strategy shifts consumers’ use of incumbent offerings. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.
- Segnon, M., Gupta, R., & Wilfling, B. (2023). Forecasting stock market volatility with regime-switching GARCH-MIDAS: The role of geopolitical risks. International Journal of Forecasting, 40 (1), 29-43.
- Arnold, M., Artz, M. & Tafkov, I. (2022). The Effect of Past Performance and Task Type on Managers’ Target Setting Decisions: An Experimental Investigation. The Accounting Review.
- Kanitz, R., Nguyen Huy, Q., Backmann, J., & Hoegl, M. (2022). No Change Is an Island: How Interferences between Change Initiatives Evoke Inconsistencies That Undermine Implementation. Academy of Management Journal, 65 (2), 683-710.
- Bendig, D., Wagner, R., Jung, C. & Nüesch, S. (2022). When and why technology leadership enters the C-suite: An antecedents perspective on CIO presence. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 31(1), 101705.
- Bose, D., Cordes, H., Nolte, S., Schneider, J. & Camerer, C. (2022). Decision Weights for Experimental Asset Prices Based on Visual Salience. The Review of Financial Studies, 35(11), 5094–5126.
- Dertwinkel-Kalt, M., Gerhardt, H., Riener, G., Schwerter, F., & Strang, L. (2022). Concentration Bias in Intertemporal Choice. The Review of Economic Studies, 89 (3), 1314–1334.
- Dertwinkel-Kalt, M., & Köster, M. (2022). Attention to Online Sales: The Role of Brand Image Concerns. Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 31, 64–89.
Kajüter, P., Lessenich, A., Nienhaus, M., & van Gemmern, F. (2022). Consequences of Interim Reporting: A Literature Review and Future Research Directions. European Accounting Review, 31 (1), 209-239.
Harz, N., Hohenberg, S., & Homburg, C. (2022). Virtual Reality in New Product Development: Insights from Prelaunch Sales Forecasting for Durables. Journal of Marketing, 86 (3), 157–179.
- Kriebel, J. & Stitz, L. (2022). Credit default prediction from user-generated text in peer-to-peer lending using deep learning. European Journal of Operational Research, 302(1), 309-323.
- Lohwasser, T., Hoch, F. & Kellermanns, F. (2022). Strength in Stability: A Meta-Analysis of Family Firm Performance Moderated by Institutional Stability and Regime Type. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 46(1), 117-158.
- Reimers, K., Schellhammer, S., & Johnston, R. (2022). Infrastructure as a Home for a Person: A Phenomenological Interpretation of Star and Ruhleder’s Relational View. MIS Quarterly, 46 (3), 1551-1572.
- Schnitzer, M. & Watzinger, M. (2022): Measuring the Spillovers of Venture Capital. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 104(2), 276-292.
- Wernsdorf, k., Nagler, M., & Watzinger, M. (2022). ICT, collaboration, and innovation: Evidence from BITNET. Journal of Public Economics, 211, 104678.
- Wölck, M. & Meisel, S. (2022). Branch-and-Price Approaches for Real-Time Vehicle Routing with Picking, Loading, and Soft Time Windows. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 34 (4), 2192-2211.
- Baars, M., & Mohrschladt, H. (2021). An alternative behavioral explanation for the MAX effect. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 191, 868–886.
- Baars, M., & Goedde-Menke, M. (2021). Ignorance illusion in decisions under risk: The impact of perceived expertise on probability weighting. Journal of Risk and Insurance, 89 (1), 35-62.
- Brandt, T., Dlugosch, O., Abdelwahed, A., van den Berg, P., & Neumann, D. (2021). Prescriptive Analytics in Urban Policing Operations. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 24 (5), 2387-2796.
- Branger, N., Konermann, P., Meinerding, C., & Schlag, C. (2021). Equilibrium Asset Pricing in Directed Networks. Review of Finance, 25 (3), 777–818.
- Branger, N., Herold, M., & Muck, M. (2021). International Stochastic Discount Factors and Stochastic Correlation. Journal of Banking and Finance, 123, 106108.
- Gleason, C.A., Kieback, S., Thomsen, M., & Watrin, C. (2021). Monitoring or payroll maximization? What happens when workers enter the boardroom?. Review of Accounting Studies, 26, 1046–1087.
- Klein, P., Mössinger, C., Pfingsten, A. (2021). Transparency as a remedy for agency problems in securitization? The case of ECB’s loan-level reporting initiative. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 46, 100853.
- Knoll, B., Riedel, N., Schwab, T., Todtenhaupt, M., & Voget, J. (2021). Cross-Border Effects of R&D Tax Incentives. Research Policy, 50 (9), 104326.
- Mohrschladt, H., & Schneider, J. (2021). Idiosyncratic volatility, option-based measures of informed trading, and investor attention. Review of Derivatives Research, 24(3), 197–220.
- Mohrschladt, H., & Schneider, J. (2021). Option-implied skewness: Insights from ITM-options. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 131, 104227.
- Mohrschladt, H. (2021). The ordering of historical returns and the cross-section of subsequent returns. Journal of Banking and Finance, 125, 106064.