Under the title "Research A-Z", the research portal of the University of Münster provides an overview of the research activities at the WWU. The portal provides access to the most important information about the research units, their researchers, as well as ongoing and completed research projects. The portal also provides information about the publications resulting from the projects, awards received for them, as well as the doctorates and habilitations supervised at the WWU.
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Current research projects funded by the DFG and BMBF
The Wisdom of Virtual Crowds
Dr. Michael Goedde-Menke - Prof. Dr. Thorsten Hennig-Thurau - Prof. Dr. Thomas Langer | since 2024 | DFGBattery cell research production Germany - Innovation laboratories
Prof. Dr. David Bendig | since 2024 | BMBFFrom Concept to Commercialization: Understanding Deep-Tech Startups
Prof. Dr. David Bendig | since 2024 | DFGDigitalization and Deep Structural Change: Is the Platformization of the Healthcare Sector Inevitable?
Dr. Stefan Schellhammer | since 2023 | DFGTaxing Multinational Firms: A Developing Country Perspective
Prof. Dr. Nadine Riedel | since 2023 - 2. funding period | DFG sub-projectMeasuring Tax Incentives
Prof. Dr. Johannes Becker | since 2023 - 2. funding period | DFG sub-projectDetailed forest monitoring using scalable AI methods
Prof. Dr. Fabian Gieseke | since 2023 | BMBFBuilding resources and resilience through the crisis for Ukrainian entrepreneurs
Prof. Dr. David Bendig | since 2023 | DFGDesigning & Structuring Financial Products to Exploit Retail Investors with Limited Attention
Prof. Dr. Markus Dertwinkel-Kalt | since 2023 | DFG sub-projectFirms’ Response to Non-Directed Attention Allocation
Prof. Dr. Markus Dertwinkel-Kalt | since 2023 | DFG sub-projectE-competences and imparting e-competences in medium-sized local administrations
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jörg Becker | since 2023 | DFG sub-projectTrust management in the digital mid-sized town
Prof. Dr. Tobias Brandt | since 2023 | DFG sub-projectIT Security: Strategic Security Orchestration, Automation and Response for Digitalizing Medium-sized Cities
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Thomas Hupperich | since 2023 | DFG sub-projectEfficient and identity-enhancing law enforcement in the municipality of a mid-sized town
Prof. Dr. Hendrik Scholta | since 2023 | DFG sub-projectBelief Formation: Recency, Visual Salience, and Memory
Dr. Hannes Mohrschladt | since 2022 | DFGJoint project KLIMFI: Transformation labels in climate financing (ClimLabels)
Prof. Dr. Markus Dertwinkel-Kalt | since 2022 | BMBF sub-projectJoint project OptimAgent: Optimized strategies for controlling epidemics in highly heterogeneous populations
Prof. Dr. Bernd Hellingrath | since 2022 | BMBF sub-projectJoint project PROGNOSIS - Epidemic-related resource requirements of hospitals
Prof. Dr. Bernd Hellingrath | since 2022 | BMBF sub-projectDefining what the relevant market is: A new method for (digital) antitrust
Prof. Dr. Markus Dertwinkel-Kalt | since 2022 | DFGFlexible theoretische Modell im Intermediary Asset Pricing
Prof. Dr. Nicole Branger | since 2021 | DFGThe distribution of political power and the provision of human-capital promoting public goods: Historical evidence from German cities
Dr. Lena Gerling | since 2021 | DFGLife cycle inequality dynamics
Prof. Dr. Mark Trede | since 2019 | DFG