Your Academic Options
Here you can the information about your academic options at the School of and Economics:
Workload and ECTS
The ECTS number stands for the number of credit points that are awarded if the course is passed.ECTS include both class attendance hours & self-study time. The usual course load for one semester comprises 30 ECTS. Provided the home university approves of the Learning Agreement/ Study Plan and in consideration of grant agreements, SBE allows every exchange student to fulfill less or more credits than the usual 30 ECTS. European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System and the conversion into time:
1 ECTS credit point ≙ between 25-30 of working hours
30 ECTS per semester ≙ 40 hours work/ week≙ full-time employmentAs 1 credit point shall represent about 25/30 of working hours (both class hours and self-study time), the usual course load for a regular student of 30 ECTS per semester means an 8-hour work day, or 40-hour working week, respectively.
>> Find further information on the website of the European Commission: >> What are ECTS? -
Course Options
In general, students can choose from all courses of each study program at SBE:-
B.A.: Business Administration
ECON: Economics
I.S.: Information Systems
As a general rule for exchange students:Master-level exchange students
can choose from all offered courses (Business, Economics, Information Systems in Bachelor- & Master-level).Bachelor-level exchange students
can also choose from all offered Bachelor-level courses. Additionally, some Master-level courses are open, too: for a list please refer to the following Excel-table.Other courses at the University of Münster
The University of Münster offers a wide range of subjects, from archaeology to zoology. If you are interested in taking such courses, please contact the respective exchange coordinator of your school/department of choice. If a course from another department shall be included in the LA (which is not necessary, but possible), SBE does not necessarily need approval by the respective Chair (via e-mail). All administrative matters of registration, examinations, and transcripts then follow the rules of the respective faculty. -
Course Types
Bachelor- and Master-level courses
The University of Münster School of Business & Economics (SBE) offers Bachelor’s and Master’s degree courses. The Bachelor’s degree courses are concerned with imparting fundamental knowledge in the first two years of study; the third year of study provides options to specialize in the various fields of business, economics and informatics, e.g. in accounting, finance, management, marketing, business cooperations, energy management and many more. Graduate students complete a Master’s degree in one of those areas of specialization. International exchange students can basically choose from all of the offered courses. Master students may choose from courses of both graduate and undergraduate level. Bachelor students can take all Bachelor courses and also have the possibility to choose from a limited amount of Master courses - depending on their current level of study.Lectures and Tutorials
Lectures are commonly held by a professor and are aimed at laying a profound theoretical foundation. Lectures are accompanied by Exercises / Practices / Tutorials / "Übungen". There is usually NO registration for either Lectures or Tutorials, and attendance is NOT compulsory. However, during the semester, a registration for the exam will be necessary in order for you to participate in the exam itself.-
Seminars and Business Skills
In a seminar course, students are expected to conduct research on an academically relevant topic and hand in the results in the form of a self-written paper that holds up to scientific standards. The aim is to get acquainted with academic writing and prepare for the bachelor/ master thesis. The seminar course consists of a limited number of participants as to allow interactive group works and discussions. Students are graded upon the written paper (often plus presentation) and/ or the contributions made during the seminar.Please note that all seminars only have a limited capacity and that a prior application / registration is always required. Due to the limited number of places available, some seminars cannot admit exchange students as the places available need to be given to students who will graduate, therefore those courses are often booked out even before the semester start. Exchange students will get all important information on offerings and deadlines before the semester begins. -
Term I and Term II courses
Each semester consists of two periods, Term I and Term II, so we differentiate between courses taking place during the whole semester (=regular courses), and courses in either Term I or Term II.
German Language Course
Language courses do not take place at the School of Business and Economics, but at the university's language center: language courses taking place during the semester can be found on the language center's own website. If you intend to take part in an intensive language course, you need to attend the "C-Test" and apply for German as a foreign language [DaF] course. All deadline (for C-test and application) are published here. The information about the courses for the upcoming semester can be found here.SBE does not overlook the availability and access requirements of language courses. After completing a language course, each student receives a certificate that states all essential information (course title; grade, ECTS; ... ). The certificate needs to be sent via e-mail to SBE Incoming Coordinator. Students can include language courses in the LA.ERASMUS+ students have the opportunity to take a German intensive course that is scheduled approximately 2 weeks before the start of each semester. Further information will be provided by our University's International Office after the application period.
Double Degree Programs (DDP)
If you would like to apply for the Double Degree Program, please contact your Home University first.
Nomination process
Application process
Course-Selection for
- DDP with ICN Nancy: Bachelor and Master
- DDP with University of Groningen: Track Marketing & Finance and Track Marketing & Information Systems
- DDP with University of Twente: Bachelor and Master
Academic Calendar / Semester Structure
For a basic calendar including national holidays please visit the university's calendar website.Each academic year is divided into two semesters, the so-called winter/fall-semester (from October till January, exams till approx. middle of February) and the spring/summer-semester (from April till July, exams till approx. middle of August).Each semester, in turn, consists of two periods: Term I and Term II. Accordingly, we differentiate between courses taking place during the whole semester (=regular courses), and courses taking place either in Term I or Term II. It is possible to plan your stay accordingly. Specifically, it is possible to only be attendant in Term II of each summer semester or in Term I of each winter semester, and to complete up to 30 ECTS as well:
- Term I of each winter semester: October - November (exams one week before Christmas);
- Term II of each summer semester: June - July/August (exams till mid. of August).