Prof. Dr. Bernd Wilfling
Chair of Empirical Economics
Am Stadtgraben 9
48143 Münster
Room 303
Phone: +49 251 83-25040
Fax: +49 251 83-25042
Recent discussion papers
Branger, N., Trede, M., Wilfling, B., 2024. Extracting stock-market bubbles from dividend futures. CQE Working Paper 107/2024, Center for Quantitative Economics (CQE), University of Muenster.
Monschang, V., Trede, M., Wilfling, B., 2023. Multi-horizon uniform superior predictive ability revisited: A size-exploiting and consistent test. CQE Working Paper 106/2023, Center for Quantitative Economics (CQE), University of Muenster.
Schulte-Tillmann, B., Segnon, M., Wilfling, B., 2022. Financial-market volatility prediction with multiplicative Markov-switching MIDAS components. CQE Working Paper 99/2022, Center for Quantitative Economics (CQE), University of Muenster.
Articles, monographs
Monschang V., Wilfling, B., 2024. Formalizing a postprocessing procedure for linear-convex combination forecasts. Journal of Forecasting. Published online:
- Segnon, M., Gupta, R., Wilfling, B., 2024. Forecasting stock market volatility with regime-switching GARCH-MIDAS: The role of geopolitical risks. International Journal of Forecasting 40, 29-43.
- Segnon, M., Lau, C.K., Wilfling, B., Gupta, R., 2022. Are multifractal processes suited to forecasting electricity price volatility? Evidence from Australian intraday data. Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics 26, 73-98.
- Monschang, V., Wilfling, B., 2021. Sup-ADF-style bubble-detection methods under test. Empirical Economics 61, 145-172. Open access.
- Weigt, T., Wilfling, B., 2021. An approach to increasing forecast-combination accuracy through VAR error modeling. Journal of Forecasting 40, 686-699. Open access.
- Danielova Zaharieva, M., Trede, M., Wilfling, B., 2020. Bayesian semiparametric multivariate stochastic volatility with application. Econometric Reviews 39, 947-970. Open access.
- Segnon, M., Bekiros, S., Wilfling, B., 2018. Forecasting inflation uncertainty in the G7 countries. Econometrics 6 (2), Article 23, 1-25.
- Rotermann, B., Wilfling, B., 2018. A new stock-price bubble with stochastically deflating trajectories. Applied Economics Letters 25, 1091-1096.
- Bohl, M.T., Reher, G., Wilfling, B., 2016. Short selling constraints and stock returns volatility: Empirical evidence from the German stock market. Economic Modelling 58, 159-166.
- Reher, G., Wilfling, B., 2016. A nesting framework for Markov-switching GARCH modelling with an application to the German stock market. Quantitative Finance 16, 411-426.
- Bohl, M.T., Diesteldorf, J., Salm, C.A., Wilfling, B., 2016. Spot market volatility and futures trading: The pitfalls of using a dummy variable approach. Journal of Futures Markets 36, 30-45.
- Rotermann, B., Wilfling, B., 2014. Periodically collapsing Evans bubbles and stock-price volatility. Economics Letters 123, 383-386.
- Meulemann, M., Uebele, M., Wilfling, B., 2014. The restoration of the gold standard after the US civil war: A volatility analysis. Journal of Financial Stability 12, 37-46.
- Reher, G., Wilfling, B., 2014. The valuation of European call options on zero-coupon bonds in the run-up to a fixed exchange-rate regime. International Review of Economics and Finance 29, 483-496.
- Lammerding, M., Stephan, P., Trede, M., Wilfling, B., 2013. Speculative bubbles in recent oil price dynamics: Evidence from a Bayesian Markov-switching state-space approach. Energy Economics 36, 491-502.
- Al-Anaswah, N., Wilfling, B., 2011. Identification of speculative bubbles using state-space models with Markov-switching. Journal of Banking and Finance 35, 1073-1086.
- Sondermann, D., Trede, M., Wilfling, B., 2011. Estimating the degree of interventionist policies in the run-up to EMU. Applied Economics 43, 207-218.
- Bohl, M.T., Salm, C., Wilfling, B., 2011. Do individual futures investors destabilize the underlying spot market? Journal of Futures Markets 31, 81-101.
- Gelman, S., Wilfling, B., 2009. Markov-switching in target stocks during takeover bids. Journal of Empirical Finance 16, 745-758.
- Wilfling, B., 2009. Volatility regime-switching in European exchange rates prior to monetary unification. Journal of International Money and Finance 28, 240-270.
- Bohl, M.T., Brzeszczynski, J., Wilfling, B., 2009. Institutional investors and stock returns volatility: Empirical evidence from a natural experiment. Journal of Financial Stability 5, 170-182.
- Trede, M., Wilfling, B., 2007. Estimating exchange rate dynamics with diffusion processes: An application to Greek EMU data. Empirical Economics 33, 23-39.
- Wilfling, B., 2005. A term-structure model of international interest rate convergence prior to monetary union. In: M. Göcke und S. Kooths (Hrsg.), Entscheidungsorientierte Volkswirtschaftslehre, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt a.M., S. 53-79.
- Wilfling, B., 2003. Interest rate volatility prior to monetary union under alternative pre-switch regimes. German Economic Review 4, 433-457.
- Wilfling, B., Maennig, W., 2001. Exchange rate dynamics in anticipation of time-contingent regime-switching: Modelling the effects of a possible delay. Journal of International Money and Finance 20, 91-113.
- Wilfling, B., 2001. Wechselkursdynamik und Zinsentwicklung vor Regimewechseln des Währungssystems. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden.
- Maennig, W., Wilfling, B., 2000. Zur Wechselkursdynamik vor der Einführung von Festkurssystemen. In: E. Scholing (Hrsg.), Währung und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, S. 101-116.
- Wilfling, B., 1999. Wechselkursdynamik im Vorfeld einer Währungsunion. Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 218, 23-44.
- Maennig, W., Wilfling, B., 1998. Außenwirtschaft - Theorie und Politik. Verlag Franz Vahlen, München.
- Wilfling, B., 1996. Lorenz-ordering of generalized beta-II income distributions. Journal of Econometrics 71, 381-388.
- Wilfling, B., 1996. A sufficient condition for Lorenz ordering. Sankhya: The Indian Journal of Statistics B58, 62-69.
- Wilfling, B., 1996. Lorenz ordering of power-function order statistics. Statistics & Probability Letters 30, 313-319.
- Wilfling, B., Krämer, W., 1993. Lorenz-ordering of Singh-Maddala income distributions. Economics Letters 43, 53-57.